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Friday, February 5, 2010

Why are you still taking care of your family?

So..if you didn't know, I love "reality" TV. Not the so-called reality TV of certain channels, but REAL reality TV. I happened to switch the channel to BET (I know, don't judge me) last night and I caught the tail end of "The Michael Vick Project." Now don't get me wrong, Michael Vick is a great athlete and not too bad on the eyes, but as I continued to watch this show, I realized that it was no different than any other reality show on TV. You have the child that grew up under horrible circumstances to become the stand-out not only in their own families, but communities as well. They climb up the ladder of success, based on their own God-given talents, only to feel some sort of guilt for achieving success and end up taking care of their lazy family members. Now, I understand wanting to take care of your mother or father. I get that. Hopefully, they did a good enough job of raising you and your siblings that you wouldn't mind telling them to clock at 9:30 a.m. and never turn back. I get it! But do I find it acceptable to take care of a parent who raised their stand-out child to be a meal ticket? Uh, no!!!! But I digress.

What I find funny is that on these shows chronicling the lives of Michael Vick, Fantasia and Keyshia Cole, their stories are the same. Lazy siblings that feel that they are entitled to the gifts and riches that are only because of their talented siblings. Even the baby-mothers and other money-grubbing long-lost fourth cousins removed feel they are entitled to something. Vick's baby mother just about killed me last night. She stated that Neiman Marcus and Saks would shut down the stores for them to shop and send her clothes to her home to choose from. Seriously? Well, let's think about this. Instead of shutting the doors to Neiman Marcus for you and your gang of home girls to shop on Vick's dime since we know good and doggone well you didn't work, how about you and Vick go the courthouse and shut the doors to get married since you have a gang of kids? Oh, was I not supposed to say that?

And that brother was a hot mess. He said that he was angry at Vick for pleading guilty and going to jail and leaving him to take care of all of the women in the home, which included his mother, Vick's baby momma and their breed of little children. Seriously dude? He took the fall for you first of all. And secondly, what do you do anyway? You better pay your way if you're gonna ride on his coat tails like most siblings of famous people do.

I'm not a man, so I can't sit here and say what a man should do. But as a man, you should want to pull your own weight. You have to know that that money will not last forever. Take a look at many of our so-called famous celebrities. Nicolas Cage is fighting a losing battle against tax evasion, just like Wesley Snipes, Sinbad, Dionne Warwick and countless others. Save up fora rainy day and have you a side gig that isn't illegal.

I can't bring myself to watch all of Fantasia's show. I don't know if it's her voice or the Vh1 subtitles, but I always end up with a serious migraine. But nonetheless, she's supporting her entire family, including her lazy brother. He pisses me off royaly every show. He feels he's entitled to have the things that Tasia worked so hard for and daggone near lost. Get a job and stop banking on your sister's fame!!! As you can recall, she just about lost it too.

And poor Keyshia. Lord, I have to pray for the girl because her mother clearly has substance abuse issues. I truly think that Keyshia had good intentions for wanting to take care of her mother and have all of her siblings near her in Atlanta. They had a difficult upbringing and weren't all raised around each other, so she took an opportunity to change their surroundings. That's good. But once she bought them all homes, things took a turn for the worse. It was always funny to me how Frankie and Neffie kept screaming from the rooftops that they worked hard for everything they had. With what? Oh that's right, Frankie got a quick $1000 for walking through the club in North Carolina. LOL. I see why Keyshia has cut them off. They were truly getting out of hand. And I guess they don't really need her if they have their own shows,right? Neffie is still having more children (what number is she at now? 6?), Frankie "works" for V-103 and Elite is supposedly coming out with her own show with their hair stylist (fail).

Even Kim Kardashian has issues. Khloe and Kourtney and even Kris want a piece of Kimmy Kakes' shine. Though their show is heavily scripted, don't you just feel the resentment spewing from Khloe and Kourt? Though Kim does nothing but take good pics and perfect the art of holding onto one of the sexiest Black men on the face of the planet (slightly jealous), the others still want that shine so badly. Can Kim help that she got the better part of the Kardashian genetic pool? Or that her high-priced plastic surgeon does a better job than the one Khloe and Kourtney and Kim used at the mall kiosk? No! It's not her fault!

And that's my point today people. These shows are just showing us how real sibling rivalry is as well as how unfortunate it is to be the stand-out in the family and have people resent you for it. Beyonce has a God-given talent. Though I'd enjoy it more if she's just sit down somewhere, it's still her talent. Fantasia, Keyshia, Vick and others all were given this talent crafted from God. That talent takes a lot of sacrifice. It's not all fun and games and glitz and glamour as we would like to think. No! They work hard for their money often times at the sake of not having time for themselves or to enjoy smelling the roses.

So I say this to those siblings and other family members and friends who feel that they deserve something because they have a successful sibling; get a clue and get a job like the rest of us. Though your talent may not bring you fame or fortune, you will be successful in your own right. Stop being so trifling and mooching off of other people! Stop test driving $100,000 cars when you don't have a license nor a job!!! Get it together!!

"If the Negro in the ghetto must eternally be fed by the hand that pushes him into the ghetto, he will never become strong enough to get out of the ghetto." - Dr. Carter G. Woodson

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